Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ava @ 9 Months

- baby puffs! 
- drinking ice cold water from her sippy cup 
- mimicking (Will said to her, "Ava it's time to go to work" and she mimicked back, "werk werk, werk" 
- playing in grass, sand....anything dirty 
- climbing the stairs 

- putting on her shirts
- the sun in her face 

Notable Developments: 
- pulling up and letting go with one hand, she has stood up without assistance but can only stand for a few seconds 
- she has 10-15 words that she fully understands about 3-4 that she will say- Mama, Dada, hi, bye, wow!
- she shakes her head no.... some times at the correct moment other times just so you will say "no" back to her 
- she just started to consistently feed herself 

Today! She was drinking her morning bottle and Will walked into the room and she looked up and said, "DaDa!" and smiled! Then went back to her bottle- it was amazing