Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ava @ 9 Months

- baby puffs! 
- drinking ice cold water from her sippy cup 
- mimicking (Will said to her, "Ava it's time to go to work" and she mimicked back, "werk werk, werk" 
- playing in grass, sand....anything dirty 
- climbing the stairs 

- putting on her shirts
- the sun in her face 

Notable Developments: 
- pulling up and letting go with one hand, she has stood up without assistance but can only stand for a few seconds 
- she has 10-15 words that she fully understands about 3-4 that she will say- Mama, Dada, hi, bye, wow!
- she shakes her head no.... some times at the correct moment other times just so you will say "no" back to her 
- she just started to consistently feed herself 

Today! She was drinking her morning bottle and Will walked into the room and she looked up and said, "DaDa!" and smiled! Then went back to her bottle- it was amazing

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cruise 2016

Ava was the absolute hit of the cruise! She was the youngest passenger that week on our boat and everyone made their introductions! She perfected her wave and her peek-a-boo while at sea and made life long friends from around the globe. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Perman Garden

This weekend my assistant and I planted our garden starts.  

Reading the Pole Bean seed packet with Cousin Tony

Little Assistant

Enjoying homemade applesauce from the family orchard

I love these PJs

Ava @ 8 Months


Drinking through a straw (bird feeder style)
Bababa (her Dad) 
Swim Class 
Things that make noise 

Notable Developments:
saying, "Hi!" and "bababa" for her Dad 
playing (hide-and-seek)(surprises)(spitting water) 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Aunt Julie Meets Baby Ava

Julie came to meet baby Ava! Julie got in town last Thursday night and we had a late night dinner date just the two of us.  

On Friday we played in Gig Harbor and went to all of my favorite places.  We went swimming at the YMCA. Ava loves the pool and swims several times a week, my in-laws take her to swim lessons. Then had lunch at The Greenhouse and shopped at Bloom and the Foundry.  We then visited the newly opened Main and Vine.  My overall impression of Main and Vine was that the prepared food is awesome but the actual grocery shopping is ok.  FYI! Safeway in town is now offering delivery!!! The first delivery is free (which I plan on testing out this weekend) and then I'll report back.

On Saturday we went to Bellevue Square and had lunch at Nordstrom Grill.  We shopped all around for big eye makeup! This is Julie's new mission after her Air Force careers ends this summer and she transitions back to civilian life- to wear color! Tom Ford's new eye palette turned out to be the ticket! 

her first high chair, handled it like a pro

how can we still be at Nordstroms......

On Saturday night we went to Anthony's in the harbor and, like always, baby Ava was a champ.  Ava noshed on her avocado slices and we dined on scallops and ling cod.  

Ava LOVED Julie, she keeps asking about when we are going to see her again.  The answer is this summer, for my parents 40th anniversary.  Ava showed Julie how she can mimic, bounce, read her books.  Ava has her "If I Were a Puppy" book memorized and will reach for the pages with fur on them and will try and turn the pages that don't..... she's a genius.  We also got a great new haul of clothes from Julie.  Ava is in 9 month clothes, but defiantly pushing for 12 month.  

Target Dog photo opp

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ava @ 7 Months

Will letting Ava touch the grass
Ava can blow bubbles, roll over, sit up (with some support) and turn the pages of her books

Maddie & Ruby  
Sweet Potatoes 
Being outside 

Being alone in the backseat while driving 
Having her nose wiped 
Wet diapers 

Ava at swim class with Grandma Gayle
Ava reaching for the phone
Ava enjoying a walk

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Perman Garden

I love being a novice gardener.  Planting vegetables and watching them sprout up through the ground is the best feeling.  This year I will be planting a modest garden, 1- we never eat everything I plant and 2- because we have a baby! 

Green Beans

Canning Goals:
Diced Tomatoes
Tomato Sauce
Salsa Verde
Apple Butter
Apple Pie Filling
Berry Jelly (fingers crossed the blackberries are good this year!)

my baby at Home Depot, our weekend hangout spot

Thursday, January 28, 2016

21 Day Fix - Part 2

As my first round of the 21 Day Fix comes to a close I wanted to share my full take on the products.  

*I am not a coach, and have only ever participated but not profited from this company 

1.) The Challenge Packs, and the BeachBody company, can be a little complicated to get the hang of only because are a million options to pick from.... 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme 21 Day Fix with Shakeology, PiYo, many options I had a hard time understanding all of the components I was buying. 

2.) Having a Challenge Group is very fun.  As someone who has never been a part of a wellness group, it was so engaging to work with the members of my Challenge Group and see what was going well and not going well for them.

3.) Better Every Day- This is a great motto and really helps to eliminate any guilt of having a "bad day" or missing a workout.  It's very encouraging

4.) Recipes/Meals- This is where the plan really hit it out of the park for me! The meal plan is easy to follow and is all about what combos that will aid in your weight loss goals.  Also, the plan (the 21 Day Fix, not 21 Day Fix Extreme) allows for a couple of treats in place of a carb during the week. 

5.) Workouts- I did the PiYo workouts which I felt got me moving, but weren't a hard core workout.  These DVDs didn't work in my computer, but when I called BeachBody they replaced them at no charge.  I've never worked out at home before and while I didn't really get a lot out of it, I can see how these DVDs would work for the busy mom who doesn't have time to leave to the house to workout.

6.) Customer Service- I think this company has good customer service, mostly that feels like it's driven through your Coach though.  When you sign up for a challenge group you are automatically enrolled in several rider agreements that you would automatically changed for.... I hate those.  They were easy enough to cancel and my coach gave me a heads up which was awesome.

7.) Shakeology- I like this product.  I think it really helps get my day off to a good start.  However, this product is too expensive- Plain and Simple.  I drink a protein shake every weekday morning and unfortunately I find this price point unsustainable.  But! I have found a great alternative product, IdealShake.  This product has a lower price point, great taste, good nutritional value (lower calories than Shakeology), and the company seems to be very invested in your overall well being and is excited about people making their goals. 

Coaches make a big difference
Great Meal Plan that you can maintain after your 21 Day Fix is over
Unsustainable Price

If you are interested in the products and plan, find a great coach and join a challenge group.  Skip the Shakeology if you are worried about cost

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

21 Day Fix

I have been convinced to join a 21 Day Fix Challenge Group.  This process(while I'm still not convinced this isn't a pyramid scheme) has been great for me! I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! I guess it's like anything else- If you want the plan to work you have to work the plan.  However, this plan seems to work for me. 

It's really taught me to fill up my plate with veggies and to watch my carbs.  I used to just be only concerened with total caloric intake and going easy on the processed foods; but as I really start to see results I'm realizing that total caloric intake coupled with food combos that compliment each other are really a powerhouse weight loss tool. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2016 and Beyond!

Years ago I was sitting at Uprise Bakery enjoying a roasted veggie sandwich with my friend, Mary, what I had learned from (let's call it) 2008.  Mary and I have gone on find and marry our husbands, get a dog (or two), buy houses and have babies.  While I cannot completely remember what was on my "What I Learned List" I can guarantee it was nothing compared to what I learned in 2015.  

What I Learned in 2015 (in no particular order):
1.) You never know what is going on inside someone else's relationship 
2.) Given 5 hours of sleep and enough Starbucks iced coffee, I can rule the world 
3.) Babies are the biggest blessing in life 
4.) My husband, Will, is the best partner and father in the world 
5.) I cannot control other people, I can only control my reactions to them 
6.) Nars- Damage is my definitive lip color
6.) Patience is not one of my virtues and I should work on that 
7.) Working out is good for the body and mind 

My husband's cousin and dear friend Tony came to visit us when Ava was about 6 weeks old and as we were standing in my kitchen together he told me that he had said to Will, "I hope you look around and enjoy what is happening in your life, you have great little tribe here."  Not only is that the sweetest thing ever! (and he's single ladies) but it was also a reminder to stop always looking forward to the next thing and just enjoy the present.  I have mentioned this in a previous blog, but it will continue to be a focus for me in 2016- Stop the Glorification of Busy!